Someone pouring coffee

10 Surprising Hospitality Employment Statistics

We have compiled 10 stats about hospitality employment. Hoteliers are forced to make important decisions with very little time or technology. That’s why we started Sprockets. We wanted to give hotels the tools to make better hiring decisions and make it affordable!

  1. A job is added every 2.5 seconds in the hospitality industry.
  2. 53% of hospitality businesses expected their staff numbers to grow in 2018.
  3. 54% say hiring and retaining staff is a major challenge.
  4. The hospitality industry adds 3.4 trillion to the global economy every year.
  5. The average hotelier spends 33% of their revenue on staff-related labor costs.
  6. In 2016 the turnover rate in the U.S. hospitality industry topped 70%.
  7. 39% of front-of-house employees leave within their first 90 days.
  8. A recent Gallup Poll shows 70% of workers are currently disengaged on the job.
  9. 337 Million Jobs worldwide in the hospitality sector by 2023.
  10. 1 in 10 employable people would be employed in hospitality and tourism by 2023.


Sprockets helps companies hire more top-performing people. Our assessment discovers the shared characteristics of your best people and sees that information to predict a new hire’s likelihood to succeed in a position before they’re hired. Try Sprockets for your hospitality employment.


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