Time is money so you can’t afford to waste it on people who won’t work out. Luckily, Sprockets’ solution predicts applicant success, empowering you to require fewer annual hires and retain hotel staff longer.
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Time is money so you can’t afford to waste it on people who won’t work out. Luckily, Sprockets’ solution predicts applicant success, empowering you to require fewer annual hires and retain hotel staff longer.
"*" indicates required fields
Accelerated Process
Why People Love Sprockets
“Sprockets has allowed us to focus on the people who have the right personality traits… we don’t waste as much time on those that aren’t qualified anymore.”
"We have been empowered to quickly focus on the candidates that closely match our hiring profile, generating a higher success rate of new hires and eliminating wasted interview time."
"The managers absolutely love Sprockets because they’re not wasting their time with applicants that are just not going to work out."