Sprockets Matches People to
Possibilities at Chick-fil-A

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Devices showing the Sprockets hiring platform

Trusted Tools to Fix the Hiring Process

Sprockets is now listed in the LEADWELL Vendor Marketplace, providing operators with innovative tools to find the ideal applicants quickly and easily.

Free Job Posting

Reach millions of hourly job seekers on popular job sites.

Applicant Matching

See who is likely to perform like your top team members.

Personality Assessments

Gain insight into applicants’ key personality traits.

Pictures of applicants alongside scores from 1 to 10

A Better Experience for Everyone

Our AI-powered platform removes bias from the screening process, empowers operators to hire the best applicants, and enables team members to serve customers more effectively.

Here’s what the average Sprockets user experiences:


Improvement in 90-day Retention


Reduction in Annual Turnover


Less time spent on the Hiring Process

QSR Operators Love Sprockets

[eplus_testimonial style=”2″ rating=”5″ img=”7902″ name=”Michael Mann” review_text=”“We’re absolutely going to continue to use Sprockets. It saves us time by focusing on the right candidates.”” designation=”General Manager”]
[eplus_testimonial style=”2″ rating=”5″ img=”7906″ name=”Josh Robinson” review_text=”“Turnover has dropped since using Sprockets because we know what candidates will mesh well with the team.”” designation=”Operations Director”]
[eplus_testimonial style=”2″ rating=”5″ img=”7905″ name=”Will Swan” review_text=”“The managers have raved about how great the newest hires have been when using the tool.”” designation=”HR Manager”]


Your Perfect


Sprockets links the right components together to make something great happen with the right people. It’s not magic. It’s data, AI, and the scores of your favorite employees.

mcdonalds cashier
Sprockets works alongside your current system to help you source, screen, and select the best applicants for open positions. It’s the solution to hiring hourly employees you’ll wish you discovered sooner.

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