Woman shaking hands with hiring manager with text below reading: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Permanent Impact on Hiring


COVID-19’s Impact on Hiring

Virtual Hiring Process

Several businesses — regardless of industry — are utilizing technology to communicate, implement, and execute work-related tasks since face-to face hiring is not always an option. According to Pew Research Center, 71% of Americans are currently working from home and 54% want to work from home post-pandemic. While no one knows when COVID-19 will end, it’s safe to say remote work is here to stay. (That also means business-casual on top and sweatpants on bottom could be the new norm.)

Health and Safety Precautions

However, not all businesses can function with a remote workforce. These companies must follow certain health and safety precautions to continue operating in person. Following the CDC guidelines, regular hand washing, sanitizing, and cleaning of high-touch surfaces are now common practices. This allows hiring managers and their interviewees to feel safe during in-person interviews. Although these guidelines may lift post-pandemic, it is likely that the emphasis of cleanliness will stay to reduce transmission of colds, the flu, and other common illnesses. According to Building Service Contractors Association International, regularly sanitizing high points of contact can save employers “more than $225 billion dollars a year in lost productivity.” 

Importance of Internal Hiring

During these trying times, hiring quality applicants is tough. Even attracting workers can often be a challenge. Since the beginning of COVID-19, internal hiring has increased 15 to 20%. Selecting candidates from within your organization has its benefits. According to LinkedIn, internal hiring can improve overall employee retention. Internal hires will likely stay twice as long since they are already familiar with the company.

Emphasis on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

With so many employers switching to a hybrid or completely virtual approach, more people are available for opportunities they would not have been able to fulfill pre-pandemic. Remote work widens the applicant pool, allowing employers to choose their ideal applicant, even if they are not from the business’s physical location. This empowers businesses to hire employees from a variety of backgrounds. The increased emphasis on equality, diversity, and inclusion can be attributed to the realization that policies set in place — such as virtual work — affect everyone differently. Fostering an inclusive workplace for everyone is crucial to success as we continue to fight bias, racism, and xenophobia. Employers must make sure all employees are given appropriate accommodations to meet their individual needs.

Overcome Hiring Challenges With Sprockets

Our AI-powered platform empowers hiring managers to predict the best “fit” for any given position, ultimately saving valuable time and money while maintaining optimal staffing levels during difficult times. A brief, three-question survey reveals everything you need to know about an applicant before the interview. Humanize your hiring process, prevent bias, and increase overall diversity with Sprockets!


At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone wanted to “return to normal”. However, with the end of the pandemic nowhere in sight, businesses have had to adjust their recruitment process. Pandemic hiring practices — and pandemic jobs — are here to stay. So, what does that mean for the future of recruitment? Which COVID-19 practices will hiring managers continue to follow in a post-pandemic world? Read on to discover the various ways the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the hiring process. 

Perhaps one of the most significant changes is the increased importance of hiring top-notch employees quickly. Luckily, Sprocket’s AI-powered solution reveals which applicants will perform like your top-performing employees. Save time, money, and only hire the ideal applicants with Sprockets. Average users spend 37% less time on the hiring process!


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