Beyond the Resume: Exploring the Application Experience
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the introduction of “one-button-apply” on job boards, we see unprecedented challenges that require unique solutions. It’s now more important than ever to gain a deeper understanding of the workforce so we can start narrowing the gap between employers and applicants.
This case study aims to educate employers on the preferences and expectations of job seekers to build a more effective, equitable hiring process for all.
Key Findings
We surveyed 566 job seekers about their preferences when it comes to applying for opportunities and interacting with hiring managers. Here are three highlights from our findings:
Biggest Challenge to Finding a Job:
Not Getting Interviews
Expected Time to Hear Back After Application:
Within Three Days
Most Important Detail of the Hiring Process:
Fast Response Time
What Does This Mean?
While you can see several more insights below, these three data points provide a snapshot of what job seekers expect from hiring managers and the application experience. First of all, despite so many employers saying they can’t find applicants, job seekers say their biggest challenge is simply not getting contacted for an interview. Then, the next two findings prove how important communication is in today’s workforce which now consists mainly of Millennials and Gen-Zers. Ultimately, hiring managers need to figure out how to identify the ideal applicant in a haystack of resumes, contact them quickly to set up an interview, and remain in close contact afterward.
Additional Insights From the Study
[Biggest Challenges Chart]
[Expectations After Application Chart]
[Most Important Detail Chart]
[Ghosting Reasons Chart]
[Most Important Perks for Next Job Chart]
[Reasons for Leaving a Job Chart]